> I can think of no better way of reaching them than an advert ON THE 

Yes, you have identified the absolutely perfect, premier advertising
medium for reaching e-gold users.  It ought to command premium prices
if they would only sell it like capitalists.

end quote

Oh heck yes,  let's DO add some twinkly little ads on ALL the egold pages!
!   maybe some "rotators" and some "sliding banners" (those are always
good for a little slow down) .

And after we get all of this good advertising spread out on all of the
pages (ESPECIALLY the most IMPORTANT one, the "spend" page) let's ask some
big customer company to TRY and actually USE egold for their business ..
that ought to get a LOT of folks interested in egold ... or NOT !??

Do you remember how slow eslug was back when EEbiz was trying to use this
system ?  Did you see the dent that made in the page display time ? Now,
add in a few (or even ONE) STATIC banner and see what happens ... gee,
"banner ads" ... what a GREAT idea, to REALLY slow down egold ... maybe
even make it TOTALLY useless when the NEXT "hot" game/"scam" comes down
the pike .. the gifs eslug puts on the pages now don't slow things down
enough so, c'mon guys and gals, send in those twinkly ads ! ! ! Let's do
THIS up brown ! ! ! Load up that spend page ..... after all doesn't ALL
the SCIs go straight to it ?

How about a new slogan ?  "Exercise4 your patience to the MAX, use E-gold"

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.

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