Let me see if I understand this correctly ...

"e-gold" WANTs to become an INTERNATIONAL "money" ... right ?

"e-gold" WELCOMES international CORPORATIONS to do business using their
services ... right ?

"e-gold" requires the foreign corporation to GIVE UP its "rights" in order
to CONTINUE to use e-gold once their account is set up ... right ?

in other words, ALL offshore businesses and individuals MUST comply with
U.S. law in order to use e-gold ... right ? "international law" takes a
BACK seat ... right ?

Next in this train of thought, logically, then would be that ALL e-gold
users must also pay TAX to the U.S. ... right ?

Now, IF I got a "NO" answer to any of the above then how would YOU (the
"NO"er) justify the actions of the e-gold DDU ?

I think it's just a matter of time until ALL e-gold users get their notice
from the IRS about their upcoming audits ... some folks get real upset if
they don't get a piece out of EVERYones pie ...

btw .. here's the Costa "latest" .....

***CostaGold Update***
Monday, February 12, 2001

Hello Members,

We continue to wait for a response from e-gold.  We did not expect a reply
from them over the weekend, but did expect one today and did not get it.

We have had so many members email us and request that we open our doors to
spends again. We are being cautious at this time.  We need e-gold to
acknowledge that they accept us as a corporate entity so we know they will
not do this again.  They have closed down operations in companies **they**
(emphasis MINE,lmd) did not deem legitimate and who were not backed by a
corporation such as the one that is our parent company. We must be sure
that they accept us as a legitimate business.  We know that they will do
so, but we must not move forward until this is clearly resolved.

Members are also asking about the documents on our site and what they
mean.  The first document is a notarized certificate that was placed on
file Feb. 5th . It states that KFTJ Ltd is a company in good standing as
of Feb 5, 2001.  It is dated that date because that is when the attorney
notarized it. This document is proof that our parent company is currently
doing business.

The second is a Certificate of Incorporation for our Parent Company, KFTJ
Ltd. It was incorporated in May of 1997 and is dated as such. Of course
e-gold must ascertain that the company they are dealing with is actually
incorporated and is legitimate. This document is proof of that fact.

The third is a page from the letter sent to e-gold.  To break it down, it
simply states that CostaGold is owned by KFTJ Ltd. and there is evidence
in the letter including notarized minutes of a KFTJ meeting where the
creation of CostaGold took place. Is finishes with a request to have the
funds released. It represents clear and official contact with e-gold. This
alone should be enough legal notarized evidence to prove that the funds
belong to our members and they should be released.

We understand that e-gold needs to meet the requirements of due diligence
and to verify the legitimacy of these documents.  Apparently, that may
take a few days. We will hope that requests they made of us last week
after receiving these documents were made in haste and they will give due
consideration to the evidence they have before them.   We will give e-gold
reasonable time to respond before we take further action. As emotional as
we may be on this issue, we must remain professional and calm.

We want to thank members for taking it upon themselves to organize the
membership at large.  We had not anticipated that there would such an
overwhelming response and several of or members wrote letters to e-gold
expressing their feeling in a very professional way.

We are now in the same position as our members as we anxiously await a
positive response from e-gold. We will follow up with continued updates as
soon as we have a response from e-gold.

Jon & Robert

end quote .....

p.s. as one who has already experienced the heavy hand of the DDU I can
state that DDU will NOT contact you IF they release your funds .. you will
just DISCOVER (for yourself, if you try) one day that they are free .. and
DDU NEVER says, "thank you" for your efforts (and expense) to get YOUR
mess cleaned up either ...

LaMarr M. Dell Sr.
E-Gold, a GOOD idea ... ? ?.

btw ... some of you feel compelled to tell the rest of us that YOUR
decision is that "COSTA IS A SCAM" .... but that is NOT the issue here,
folks ... read it again.  The FACT is that "Costa" is an IBC and, as such,
has certain "international rights" ... that the U.S. does NOT recognize.

The U.S. wants to ELIMINATE ALL LAWS that are in conflict with theirs ..
they recognize NO RIGHTS except those THEY approve of .. and e-gold seems
to back up those feelings. C'mon, egod, quit flying TWO flags .. pick ONE
and "go" with it.

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