>A concerted effort  to create:


>1.    Exposure


>2.    Percieved need


>3.    Economical application


>is required.

Those things may be needed but for a company to pitch to a large corporation, they 
need to create an image that they deal with the big dogs.

The first step is to change the look of the site starting with the main page.  The 
e-gold Front page looks like it was created by an 8th grader.  The Standard Reserve 
main page just looks like there is something missing.  Both of those companies should 
be looking to change their look so they can compete with GoldMoney from an image 
standpoint.  If a person was to just see the mainpage of those three companies, they 
would conclude that GoldMoney is the "big time" appealing to the more "Professional" 
type people.

Step 2: Make sure the sites that you link to look good.  If you link to a site that 
looks like it was created by an amateur, then it shows people that you deal with 
mainly amateurs.

The third thing, somebody please tell Reid that Less is More.  Get rid of most of 
those listings you have under "Merchants and Organizations."  Political Groups, 
Donations, Mom and Pop shops... please get rid of them.  A link to a political party 
should never be on that page.  Multiple links to people accepting donations says that 
e-gold is not a business tool but just a way to donate.  Mom and Pop shops, well.. 
move them to a different site that only has merchant listings.

Four:  Stop talking about how gold is the only real money, and how investing in gold 
is a good thing.  Talk more about the business aspects.

Five:  Create demos that show people how to use the system.  Please!  People will just 
not use it if they don't know how.

  You may higher a big time Marketer and pay them 100K a year but they'll tell you the 
same thing.  There it is free of charge, use it, abuse it.  Have a nice Day.

    Khurram Khan

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