>>>Some time ago I signed up for Cash Cards Int, which is backed by
>>>Standard Reserve Gold.

>>This is not quite correct, the cash card is backed by Standard
>>Reserve's WORD. Even the standard reserve currency is not backed by
>>gold. It is partially backed by e-gold which is backed by gold. Note
>>that Standard reserve dollars SR-USD are backed by.... ?

Standard Reserve backs Standard Gold by E-Gold 100%. During the month of
March we are constructing a Trust which is called "Standard Reserve Purpose
Trust" which provides customers of Standard Reserve with a contract
guanranteeing Standard Reserve's backing and handling of value. We have
separated Standard Reserve from Standard Transactions which handles all
exchanges. If Standard Transactions went bankrupt customer money is safely
returned to them by the Trustees.

Trustees have been elected and are to provide management of the Trust
Monies. They will guarantee the backing of Standard Gold and Standard
Dollar. Auditors Earnst & Young will provide an audit of the Trustees
activity and will provide a public statement once per quarter regarding the
activity of Standard Reserve.

As soon as the Trust has been completed and your money managed by the
Trustees, we will make the Trust document and the Trustees contract
available for all to read. This will occur within the next six to seven

Should Standard Reserve ever decide to back Standard Gold with anything
other than 100% E-Gold, then customers will be given a new product other
than Standard Gold. Customers will have to choose specifically anything that
is backed in any other way.

Standard Gold is Gold itself traded digitally in the liability level as well
as the asset level.

Dr Elwyn Jenkins
CEO Standard Reserve Holding Limited (IBC)
Standard Transactions (BVI) Limited

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