>>>>Some time ago I signed up for Cash Cards Int, which is backed by
>>>>Standard Reserve Gold.
>>>This is not quite correct, the cash card is backed by Standard
>>>Reserve's WORD. Even the standard reserve currency is not backed by
>>>gold. It is partially backed by e-gold which is backed by gold. Note
>>>that Standard reserve dollars SR-USD are backed by.... ?
>Standard Reserve backs Standard Gold by E-Gold 100%.

I find that rather confusing, Dr. J!

Do you mean "ONLY" e-gold is used (100% e-gold!), or, do you mean the 
reserve fraction is 1.00000?


For each kilogram of SR-AUG that I have, how much e-gold does SR keep 
on hand to cover my ownership of that 1kg of SR-AUG?

If it is truly 1.0000, it's exceedingly strange that you don't 
trumpet that on the web site ... what don't I understand???


>During the month of
>March we are constructing a Trust which is called "Standard Reserve Purpose
>Trust" which provides customers of Standard Reserve with a contract
>guanranteeing Standard Reserve's backing and handling of value. We have
>separated Standard Reserve from Standard Transactions which handles all
>exchanges. If Standard Transactions went bankrupt customer money is safely
>returned to them by the Trustees.
>Trustees have been elected and are to provide management of the Trust
>Monies. They will guarantee the backing of Standard Gold and Standard
>Dollar. Auditors Earnst & Young will provide an audit of the Trustees
>activity and will provide a public statement once per quarter regarding the
>activity of Standard Reserve.
>As soon as the Trust has been completed and your money managed by the
>Trustees, we will make the Trust document and the Trustees contract
>available for all to read. This will occur within the next six to seven
>Should Standard Reserve ever decide to back Standard Gold with anything
>other than 100% E-Gold, then customers will be given a new product other
>than Standard Gold. Customers will have to choose specifically anything that
>is backed in any other way.
>Standard Gold is Gold itself traded digitally in the liability level as well
>as the asset level.
>Dr Elwyn Jenkins
>CEO Standard Reserve Holding Limited (IBC)
>Standard Transactions (BVI) Limited

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