George M of SR writes: "You are assuming there are only 500,000 potential

The assumption was only for the purpose of illustration.  It doesn't matter
if there are 500,000 users, or 500,000,000 users.  If all of the gold
currencies are compatible with each other, they all have access to the total
market.  If they are not compatible, as is the case today, and each try to
build their own global market, none of them will be as successful because
the market will be fragmented.

It's the same principle as the telephone or any other network.  The utility
of the network is directly propertional to the number of users on the
network squared.  If e-gold held half the market, and all of the competitors
held the other half, by consolidating e-gold would double their available
market.  But the company would realize a fourfold increase (2 squared) in
the utility of the total system to users.  It doesn't matter who the market
leader is, suppose Standard Reserve becomes number one.  By making the
currencies compatible with each other to the end users, the market leader
will realize a tremendous increase in the worth of their service, as will
everyone else in the market.

George M of SR writes: "As of  this writing, we have surpassed that number
of committed accounts, and should have more than that in funded accounts
before the year is out."

George, I believe you.  However, I do have a question.  SR is 100% backed by
e-gold right?  So, if SR sells 40 thousand oz worth of Standard Gold, then
e-gold's total reserve should rise by 40 thousand oz right?

>From October 2000 - December 2000 e-gold's reserve increased from 28,800 oz
to 41,600 oz.  That is a 12,800 oz increase (44%) over two months.

>From January 2001 - March 2001 the reserve increased by only 3,200 oz. (7%
over two months).

Standard Reserve launched the Instant Anywhere Card in January.  If you have
already sold 500,000 accounts, where is the money?

"Bird in the hand worth two in the bush."


----- Original Message -----
From: "George Matyjewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 10:04 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Yada yada yada

> At 05:03 PM 3/29/2001 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >The gold currency companies need to realize that they would all
> >benefit by doing this, even e-gold.  Here's why:  In a
> >fragmented market, say of 500,000 users, e-gold might have
> >250,000 users, GoldMoney 40,000, Standard Reserve 50,000 and so
> >on.   Each currency is limited by this to its own niche market.
> >
> You are assuming there are only 500,000 potential users.  As of
> this writing, we have surpassed that number of committed
> accounts, and should have more than that in funded accounts
> before the year is out.
> Keep in mind there is a VERY LARGE non-gold economy out there.
> Stay tuned for some upcoming announcements.
> George
> ______________________________________
> George Matyjewicz,  President
> Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
> World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web
> ---
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