At 10:25 PM 3/29/2001 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>George M of SR writes: "As of  this writing, we have surpassed that number
>of committed accounts, and should have more than that in funded accounts
>before the year is out."

>Standard Reserve launched the Instant Anywhere Card in January.  If you have
>already sold 500,000 accounts, where is the money?
>"Bird in the hand worth two in the bush."

Read my statement above once again.  They are committed, but not 
yet funded.  With large mass purchases, funding takes time.  Some 
of our agents are now feeling the thrust of this, as we get calls 
as a new country is opened.  Today some of our agents wanted to 
know what was going on in Japan, as they started getting a lot of 
orders.  New customer acquisition agent there - part of Cash 
Cards International.  I suspect it will take three months to fund 
these accounts.

And the card was officially delivered in mid February.


George Matyjewicz,  President
Standard Reserve Corp. -- Atlanta, GA
World Wide Currency for the World Wide Web

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