>> jpm wrote
>> [the spends stats should look like]
>> microspends (under 0.10 grams)   1315
>> macrospends (over 0.10 grams)    2885
>I don't think that there are many microspends happening with e-gold
>So we would end up with something that looks like the following
>microspends - 20
>macrospends - 10000

Whatever - segment it at one gram, then -- my point was, choose 
something that is infoirmation rich.

Of course the best thing is to segment it all the way up and down, 
just like the balances.

But I was trying to ease it in on Jay!  :) :)

>I don't believe that we should bother with segmenting the spends. You had
>a terrific argument for further segmenting the account balances, but it
>doesn't really apply here. The spends segmentation would pretty much be
>irrelevant data.
>It is pretty obvious to anybody with a marginal understanding of math that
>a relatively small number of relatively large spends make up the velocity
>stats. All segmentation of the spends stats would do is prove this to
>people who failed high school math.

It's not like you to be illogical, Viking!

If it's so obvious, just tell me, now, what the breakdown is on 
yesterday's spends.

(I'm not being a smart arse, but it's not obvious to me --- if it's 
obvious to you, please tell me immediately!)

>Viking Coder

"Great ventures create great mottos."

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