Just humor me, if you will.  I'm new here.
Perhaps we are not speaking the same language.
I'm talking about legitimate banking with high returns.
I'm not sure what this negative feedback is based on.

Steven wrote:
> Care to elaborate on that HYIP reference ?
> How many have you tried and what were their names.

This is amazing.  I cannot decide between (1) this is just bull or (2) a
genuine inability to think.

If it is taken seriously then it explains a lot!  

Seriously making such an argument indicates the lack of any conceptual 
means to distinguish reality from fantasy.  Such people evidently will 
just try anything at random to see what immediately happens and they 
cannot conceive of any other means of validation.   They do not seem to
believe in or know about such things as cause and effect, objective
reality, reasoning, or understanding.  Apparently they really believe 
in magic!


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