> Seriously making such an argument indicates the lack of any 
> conceptual 
> means to distinguish reality from fantasy.  Such people evidently 
> will 
> just try anything at random to see what immediately happens and 
> they 
> cannot conceive of any other means of validation.   They do not 
> seem to
> believe in or know about such things as cause and effect, objective
> reality, reasoning, or understanding.  Apparently they really 
> believe 
> in magic!

It seems to me that CCS  likes to speak in generalities  such as "they 
are all bad", "they are all this....or that...", when talking about 
MLMs and/or HYIPs.

Does he think that about people I wonder?  This type of person is 'all 
bad' or that type is 'all bad'

Such people often use generalities also to describe other people.  
using such phrases as;
".  Such people evidently will just try anything at random to see what 
immediately happens and they cannot conceive of any other means of 
validation.   They do not seem to believe in or know about such things 
as cause and effect, objective reality, reasoning, or understanding.  
Apparently they really believe in magic!"

They They They...all the time.  They are bad,  they are scams,  not 
this, or that  but they.  like saying 'All blondes are dumb'  Perhaps 
CCS  is a poor quality tabloid journalist?  Certainly seems to talk 
like one.  Full of generalities and vague non specific statements that 
say not a thing.

MLMs and HYIPs  are not a generality.  Craig is right to ask for 
specifics.  Some are scams some are not.  Just as some people with the 
initials CCS maybe dense and some are not.  Just as not all people with 
the initials CCS are vague and use generalities instead of specifics.

When someone says to you  "They say that.....blah blah blah..", or 
"they are all bad over there!",  ask for specifics,  "who or what".  If 
you don';t get the specifics the information is not worth the paper it 
is written on.  Mostly those type of people do not have any hard facts  
only opinions which are couched in a way to sound like facts using a 
liberal dash of generalisation to help them on the way.

That was my spanner in the works


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