> hmmm, but reading back through your past posts, you are obviously VERY
> biased in your opinions... this leads one to wonder about the vociferous
> disclaimer above... most people wouldn't find such disclaimers necessary.
> (Methinks he doth protest too much!)

Did I ever say I was unbiased?

I'm not most people. I included the vociferous disclaimer to avoid being
hounded by vociferous lawyers with the scent of libel on their noses.

> Especially if it fits into the *scam* category as you suggest. No, it is very
> unlikely that this is the motivation behind e-gold's action. 

It is very likely. However, that is my opinion. I can protest all I want
to. :)

> Even with this action of supposedly distancing themselves, e-gold have not in
> any way prevented themselves from being lumped together with OSgold by the
> media. The media will do it anyway... they are unlikely to even be aware of
>  e-gold's *distancing* policy.

At which point, e-gold can point to this specific action and say
"NAYYHHH... TTHHBBBPPP!!!" or much more probably, something more

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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