I have one comment:

   It is rather COSTLY to be an Exchange Service Provider (or Market Maker,
Exchange Agent, Cambio, etc.) due to the fees assessed by the banks, the
gold currencies, and paying a staff's wages.  Then there are taxes,
insurance, and buying gold up front by bank wire.  Factor in losses to
fraud, webmastering fees, webhosting, site design, marketing, food, water,

     Yes, it is expensive to get your e-gold or OSGold account FUNDED.  But,
once the funds are in there, the sky is the limit to what you can
accomplish. Instant payments, global e-commerce, non-reputable currency,
daily fluctuations in AUG prices which allow for gains in account value.
Can you say the same for your trusty Brick-n-Mortar???

    By the way, my grandparents used to bury money in the back yard.  They
also fretted every month until they passed as to how to pay their
bills.("Norma...go dig up that tomato soup know the one I mean!" I
can still hear them in my mind on Rent day every month!)  My aunt Lucy put
her money in the stock market despite her parent's stern protests after her
husband died in Korea. The stock market is also expensive (more so then) to
get into.  (Brokerage fees, mutual funds with front end loads, capital gains
taxes, etc.)  Aunt Lucy used to send us post cards from her Norwegian
vacations every year. I think I gained my appreciation for champagne from


Eric Gaither, President
Gaithmans Gold Nation, Inc.
(317) 788-8580 Voice

Scammer(s) take notice...the Gold Community is united in seeing  your

----- Original Message -----
To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 9:44 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] Putting money into e-gold or osgold accounts

> The way we have to fund our e-gold or osgold accounts is like going to our
> personal bank & them telling me to go o my local gas station(market maker)
> & within 24 to 48 hours they may (or may not)- for a mere 10% of your
> deposit amount - deposit the balance in said bank.  That way they wouldn't
> need as many employees to open accounts or accept deposits.  Thus, create
> a need and the local gas station can fill that need.  Thereby relieving
> themselves of a great deal of responsibility.
> If I took my check to the bank and they told me that it would cost me 10%
> of my total check for them to deposit my check in their bank,  I probably
> would start burrying my money in my back yard.
> I can tell you from a layperson's point of view, the charges incurred just
> to deposit money into e-gold or osgold accounts is so expensive that it
> becomes a HUGE deterent to use your services.
> There needs to be a easier and less expensive way to make deposits into
> e-gold and osgold accounts.  Any comments?
> Thanks,
> mcf
> mcf
> ---
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