gary lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> osgold is supposed to be a gold currency like e-gold and seems
> to be running a loan program but they are related to
> anyone thinks if it is a real legitimate program ?

It looks like a scam, it smells like a scam, especially the 'Guaranteed 
Investment' part.

The only way it could possibly be guaranteed is if the rate of return is 
only a few percent per year (just like you get on a savings account). But I 
doubt many people will be interested if this is the case.

Anything which guarantees a higher rate of return can only be a scam: those 
are simply the laws of economics and mathematics.

That said, they (deliberately?) don't provide enough information on the 
website to determine with 100% certainty that they are a scam. I doubt 
however the USD 85 is worth the risk to find this out.


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