Craig Spencer wrote:

> Environmentalism is a "chicken little" con game.  The envionmentalists
> cry "the sky is falling" to convince people they have to go along with
> totalitarianism to save the world.
> This is not something new.  It seems that it was basically the basis of
> the power of the Mayan kings.  The conned everyone in believing their
> holding power was necessary to keep the world in existance.
> Pascal's wager is niether innocent or a safe bet.  The downside is
> basically
> the complete loss of your freedom.  While the upside is a silly
> superstitious illusion.
> JP is right on.
> > It's all about freedom - in the case of E-gold, freedom to choose or
> > create and use your own currency. In the case of enviromentalism,
> > freedom of sentient beings to enjoy life, liberty, etc.
> You could not be more wrong.  Perhaps you have some concept of
> environmentalism that is compatible with liberty but you are changing
> the meaning of the word from what nearly everybody else means by it
> and this is disingenuous.  Real enviromentalists are not interested
> in the welfare of sentient beings; their hardly hidden aim is the
> extermination of all intelligent life.

Sentient, Spiritual, Environmentalist here,
On behalf of my community on the Hudson River we challenged a status quo that
said all was expendable in the name of business and profit.  That business
could take, use, destroy, and control the public domain, and ruin peoples
health, for their own gain.  We accomplished change through sheer will and
perseverance.  The freedom and right to defend your community as proven to be
upheld by ancient legal doctrines dating back to the code of Justinian, that
are the foundation of modern American democracy!

You can use these ancient rights to fight your local polluter and make it pay
for abusing your community.  All you need do is spot the phony organization,
greenwashing, and junk science that anti environmental forces are foisting on
an unwitting public.  In the US, Fight members of Congress who with their hired
guns in public relations firms and ad agencies are trying to convince you that
saving your local community from pollution is
Bad for local business and taxes
Anti American
is a Loss of your Freedom
communism / socialism
Taking the food out of baby's mouth

Well what ever.

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