> However, the overall topic is so completely ridiculous on so many
> levels (example, reindeer cannot fly; man has in fact explored the
> north pole; we know where all known gifts actually came from etc)

> that it is important to realize that even the statement "santa claus
> is nonsensical because he couldn't fit down the chimney" is sort of
> ridiculous in itself, because, it ignores how incredibly ridiculous
> the rest of the topic is.


> (*) the normal variation in the earth's temperature is spectacular
> and massive. For example, we happen to be in a 10 thousand year gap
> between two **ICE AGES**.  This is just one of TENS OF THOUSANDS of
> such ongoing cycles.

And also pretty fast - I've heard TV documentaries where they discussed
evidence that shows a complete switch out of an ice age taking less than
100 years.

Also I recall the flap before global warming was fear of a new *ice age*
being due roundabout now. Be amusing if one filled into the hole of the
other so to speak :-)
> (*) Just for example, FIFTEEN THOUSAND scientists have now signed a
> petition pointing out that global warming is trivial idiocy.

"N scientists have signed a petition" is meaningless either way, pro or
con - adding numbers doesn't support arguments (which obviously also
goes for the "every schoolboy knows" approach of many GW theorists).

> (*) the amount of CO2 put out by humans is utterly, utterly dwarfed
> by natural processes

CO2 isn't the only "greenhouse gas", so's water, methane, etc.

> Why does "global warming" exist?  Quite simply, to raise taxes.

I posit you're underestimating the opposition here. I hung out with
green types a tad when I was younger, and one of the things I noticed
(that drove me off infact) was how common pure technophobia was. And by
tech, I mean anything literally more advanced than sitting nude in a nud
puddle, scrabbling for roots. It was subtle, unstated, but universal,
that *rational thought* was considered an unfair advantage, and one that
ought to be banned. Merely taxing the economy back to hovels and
hand-carts was at most a "step in the right direction".

> Result: they do a Milliken on Doug, and slap a 30% tax on e-gold transactions.

e-gold inc needs to be damn sure it can hop jurisdictions and hide
behind secrecy mechanisms such as ZKS freedom to the extent that it can
blow a "ptttthbbbt" at the taxers and simply refuse to reveal anything
or cooperate to any extent.

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