It was in beta release with a total circulation of ~US$73,000.
Once it went into full release it was going to become a frac reserve
currency with e-metal backing 25% of the total circulation. A frac reserve
currency can be a 'free lunch' because it is subsidized by investments.
However, then a the currency isn't 100% backed. So you're correct about
TANSTAAFL, just not in this case.

<tangent type="irrelevant">
I saw a jewelry shop named 'TANSTAAFL Jewelers' ealier this year. I asked
them about the name, and they said it had no particular meaning. They were
having trouble coming up with a name for their shop, and TANSTAAFL is an
interesting sounding word; they knew what it meant.

> Next.... digital bearer gold by GoldMoney... he he he

Since when? GoldMoney is an account-based system just like e-gold,
Standard Reserve, and OSGold. Are you just being a GoldMoney shill for the
fun of it?

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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