> Not a problem - SOMEBODY will issue currency, and provided there are no
> strongarm tactics used there will be many somebodies. As with everything
> else, the market will sort it out after a brief reshuffle.
> Marc de Piolenc
> SnowDog wrote:
> > Q: How would you go about abolishing the Federal Reserve? Almost all USD
> > circulation are debts to the Federal Reserve. How would you replace this
> > debt-backed currency with an other type?

Yes, but how would you unravel the debt? All those house mortgages? All that
personal and business debt?

Let's say that you privatized the Federal Reserve tomorrow, and the US
Government issued another gold-backed currency, (or didn't, whatever you
choose), who would continue to borrow from the Federal Reserve? -- No one!
And without any additional Federal Reserve Notes coming into circulation,
then their currency would deflate as people continued to pay-off their
debts. In this scenario, almost all of the US debt would be unserviceable.
An economic calamity of mammoth proportions would ensue because people
cannot pay-off their debts in Federal Reserve Notes, in a deflationary
spiral. There are not enough Federal Reserve Notes in circulation to pay-off
all Federal Reserve debt.

The problem does not just go away when one says, "Abolish the Fed." The
Federal Reserve System will have to be unwound in much the oppsite way that
it was created. The first step may be to bring it back onto a gold standard.

SnowDog [Is this subject on-topic?]

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