>>  I've thought about having different "flavors" of 1mdcgrams.  But I
>>  wonder if it would be too complicated and obscure?
>In the case of reserves, I hate to see a bunch of money sitting around doing
>nothing.  You wouldn't want 1mdc to have different flavors, instead the 1mdc
>grams would have dynamic backing.  At one time somebodies 100 1mdc grams are
>backed by 25 e-gold and 75 gg, at another those 100 are backed by 47 gg and
>53 e-gold, as far as hey are 100% backed.

It's definitely a good idea Khurram!

However, I don't really know if it's 1mdcGrams' mission, you know what I mean?

1mdc is "just another" DGC.  It will be the most solid, reliable and 
offshore one.  When the US Government has stolen all the gold from 
Geoff and Doug, 1mdc will go on! :)

Perhaps you should do it!

Or - a more sensible idea is JIM should do what you describe. Jim? 
It's his field!

The 1mdcGrams software is for sale or lease to anyone who wants to 
operate a DGC with the most reliable software.

It would just be a bit of work to add the "Khurram Koncept" on top.

>   The cambist side of things can
>then use those 100(various grams of gold) to create exchangeable gold, as
>long as they maintain 100grams of various gold.  Ofcourse Cambist earns a
>percent, and creates revenue for the 1mdcambist , and 1mdc isn't losing
>money anymore.

Actually, 1mdc makes plenty of money!  So that's a non-issue.  But 
yes, I completely understand your idea....I totally get it, it's 

>>  In time, 1mdcGrams will have it's own bars, and then it will take a
>>  very indpendent posture from the other DGCs.
>Why use bulky metal when you can use the digital liquid version of that
>            Khurram Khan

It is incredibly easy to store gold bars, Khurram!  Takes one fone 
call and paying one invoice a year.  It is probably *easier* than 
using a "piggy back" method on e-gold or GM!

Anyway, you rock in all events.


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"Most of the world's great religions are hijacked from time to time by
men who use the religious faith of others to manipulate them for self-
serving purposes. Environmentalism is different however. It is not a
religion that happens to be manipulated from time to time for political
purpose--for the power and money it can bring to its controllers.
Environmentalism is a religion which has been deliberately created, for
the sole purpose of manipulating its followers." Arthur B. Robinson, 2001.
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