hi Chuck!

(I can only copy a few lines of your post, but here's the general idea...)

>There are 2 issues concerning availability, 1) accessibility and
>2) funding fee structures.

>The first is that for this industry to grow,

Chuck, the industry almost literally couldn't grow any faster.  I 
mean, I don't think 400 oz bars can be bought any faster than Doug 
Jackson is buying them!!!!!!!

>methods to obtain gold should be [] easy ...

It is just so easy, Chuck!

(i) send a check
(ii) get your e-gold

It is just so easy ... http://planetgold.com look down the side for 
the best list of market makers.

You mention...
>  PayPal

Praypal is a joke, you cant buy ANYTHING with paypal (certainly not 
precious metals!)

>Even those that accept
>"credit cards" may only accept prepaid cards.

Not true at all, just go to goldnow.st.  Graham has taken trillions 
in c/c orders.  His fraud prevention works!

>All this
>I call "transactional toughness", and it seems necessary, but
>it makes the average person who wants to start using
>e-metal go through hoops they simply don't understand,

Again this just doesnt make much sense, Chuck!

What's so hard about sending a check?  How else can you buy anything?

>Second, the funding fee structure is way too high. ..

>The price
>of gold is the price of gold.

But its simply impossible, to buy gold anywhere, for less than about 
7% over spot.  Eg, kitco.com

In fact, the price of e-gold from most market makers is incrdeibly CHEAP!

Simply compare when you visit London and the money changer takes a 
fee for swapping dollars for pounds.

>In other words, it's basic
>marketing. The fees are a barrier to entry.

But Chuck!!  e-gold and the rest are successful far, far beyond 
anyone's wildest dreams.  I imagine old Doug just walks around 
constantly mumbling "it cant be real it cant be real it cant be real 
it cant be real it cant be real it cant be real it cant be real it 
cant be real it cant be real it cant be real it cant be real it cant 
be real it cant be real it cant be real it cant be real it cant be 
real it cant be real...," a bit like in _The Shining_ or something! :)

It would be very, very difficult to point to anything ever -- 
anything -- at all, ever - in the universe that has been as 
successful as e-gold .. I mean .. how quickly do you want it to grow 

The success of e-gold is beyond human comprehension .. it's 
ludicrous.  The success of all MMs is also astonishing.

>Perhaps the easy way to solve both is for major market exchangers to
>accept "Chex" services, which is instant withdrawal from a person's
>checking account via check.

But in say Australia, where "online banking" is extremely common - 
this happens every single minute, Chuck!

ie, all Aussie MMs, sell gold via instant online transactions from 
bank to bank ...

it's done!  S.O.P.!

>As a thought,

You rock, JP

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Most of the world's great religions are hijacked from time to time by
men who use the religious faith of others to manipulate them for self-
serving purposes. Environmentalism is different however. It is not a
religion that happens to be manipulated from time to time for political
purpose--for the power and money it can bring to its controllers.
Environmentalism is a religion which has been deliberately created, for
the sole purpose of manipulating its followers." Arthur B. Robinson, 2001.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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