> >(JP:  Please at least read the end of this email.  In spite of my initial
> >argument, I believe I concede something that has been a real burr on your
> >saddle.)
> Patrick, this is another classic Problem WIth Internet Discussions
> exactly as I mentioned!

It's not a problem with Internet Discussions, it's a problem with any
discussion among a group of people.  That is just life; it's been happening
for thousands of years; there is nothing new under the sun.

> Can anyone type in English what the extra gold in the trust is?

NO, nobody can because as you are so fond of pointing out, nobody knows.

> >*** CONCESSION ****
> >
> >You know, it seems like the Trust could easily avoid this whole issue by
> >simply holding these "other" liabilities IN E-GOLD ACCOUNTS.  Just take
> >19,106.21 gg and divvy it up into some new accounts.  Boom!  Assets =
> >Liabilities to e-gold account holders.
> "Gee, you think so huh?"  :)
> Patrick!  You're a logical guy man:
> In your concession there and new theory for how e-gold related
> entities should do their accounting:
>                   YOU ARE ASSUMING THAT YOU
>                KNOW WTF THAT EXTRA GOLD IS.

No, I am not assuming that.  IT IS A CONDITIONAL!  I am saying that IF the
extra gold is a liability to "other parties", THEN they can avoid the
problem by opening new e-gold accounts.

JP!  There are only TWO possibilities man!  The extra gold is EITHER a
liability to other parties OR it is equity.  THAT IS SIMPLE ALGEBRA AND

Again:  IF  IF  IF   IF   IF the extra gold is a liability THEN they can
avoid the problem by opening new e-gold accounts.

Man, you have a great way of disagreeing with people even when they agree
with you!  ;-)

> It may well have utterly nothing to do with what you're thinking.  It
> may well just be say some extrsa bullion that says "Jim" or "Douglas"
> owns, and they generously loan it to the trust against "slop"
> (accounting errors in programming) (I do exactly this for 1mdcGrams,
> for instance).

That's funny, as an example of something that has utterly nothing to do with
what I'm thinking, you give ... an example of exactly what I'm thinking.

JP!  If the gold is indeed extra bullion that "Jim" or "Douglas" owns, then
that is IN FACT a LIABILITY TO OTHER PARTIES on the balance sheet.  And
AGAIN, IF that is the case, they can avoid this accounting entry by simply
having "Jim" or "Douglas" open up a freaking e-gold account.

The ONLY other alternative is Equity.  Period.  It is either one of these
two things, or a mixture of both:

1.  Liability
2.  Equity

That's it.  We don't know precisely what it is, but we DO KNOW it is one of
those two things.  So we DO have a clue, JP.  We just don't have the ANSWER.

> Seriously, you guys are infuriating.

You're infuriating, JP, because we can't even AGREE with you and get a
nod!!!  :-)

> Does Anyone Know What The Extra Gold Is?

NO.  NOBODY DOES.  We only know that the extra gold is EITHER a liability to
other parties OR equity of the Trust itself.  I happen to doubt that it's
equity of the Trust, leading me to ASSUME it's an "other liability".  That
is JUST SPECULATION, YES, but I think the odds are in my favor.

> Seriously, you guys are mad - you're going mad, it's a sort of a
> madness!  Whaaaa! : )

They're not going mad, they're just speculating as to what the extra gold

You're talking as if nobody should ever say anything until they're 100%
sure.  Well gee, with that attitude no scientists or detectives would ever
get out of bed in the morning!

> Does Anyone Know What The Extra Gold Is?

NO.  But it is EITHER a liability or equity.

1.  IF it is a liability, THEN it is sloppy accounting which can be remedied
with YOUR PROPOSED SOLUTION of opening new e-gold accounts.

2.  IF it is equity of the Trust, THEN this also looks like something which
can be remedied with your solution.

remedied by simply balancing the books with new accounts as YOU DESCRIBE.

JP!  You've won!  It doesn't matter WHAT the extra gold is!  Either way it
should be accounted differently.  It could be Osama-bin-freakin-Laden's gold
for Pete's sake.  Have the bearded one put it in an e-gold account!

> I give up!

You give up because you won, OK?

-- Patrick

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