>From: Patrick Chkoreff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [dgc.chat] Re: [e-gold-list] Re: Thanks to Ragnar/Planetgold
and  Stefan/TGC 
>Date: Fri, Aug 9, 2002, 10:08 AM

>> > Eventually, federal laws will govern even the tomatoes grown in your
>> > own back yard. ....

You can already get in trouble for growing peanuts without a Federal
license if your backyard is over an acre. (US Penal Code, Title 7, Section
1359A). They are not issuing any new licenses, so you either have to have
inherited one or lease the right to grow peanuts from one of the few
license holders. It is all part of the scheme to inflate the price of
peanuts in the USA, which cost nearly twice as much as the world market. If
you sell "non-quota" peanuts, the penalty is 140% of the price of the nuts.
The government can collect by placing a lien on your house and everything
you own, and can bring criminal charges against you for fraud for selling
nuts as "quota" when they weren't. Maybe I should get into the peanut
smuggling business. Anyone want to buy some bootleg nuts?

- John


That reminds me of sugar too, since tariffs and quotas keep sugar prices so
unbelievably higher than in the rest of the world. That is why we are
forced to drink soda with inferior tasting corn syrup, while the rest of
the world continues to use cane sugar, as US bottlers did before the
government made the price prohibitive.

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