(From  Noël
Password  or wuli)

Responding about [EMAIL PROTECTED] uses a signature that quotes Harry
 "Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is
no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous,
skillful  leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better."

 Let me make one clarification.  Truman was a politician and he 'may' even
have been  referring to 'political leadership.'  I don't know as I don't
have the full  context form which this quote comes.  But WHO said it and his
pro big  government or centralized government, could easily lead one to
think that it  is 'political leadership' and the need for more politicians
and political  leadership.

 That would be consistent with Command and Control philosophy and concepts
as  practiced by nation-states, especially European ones and the use of war,
 intervention and welfare statism throughout recent history and since feudal
Europe.  Consistent with collectivist thinking as it has migrated to

 BUT, the leadership concept as referenced reminds of much of Toynee's
writings on history and he too, advocated it is leadership that breaks a
 stagnant people out of lethargy and into a dynamic relationship to theworld
around them.

 Without belaboring it, I suggest to you, that the propensity toward'making
something happen' within any environment is the culmination of skills,
 circumstances and attitribute of the 'entrepreneur,'  those individuals
that, working without government regulation and constraints, working
without  restrictions that favor this special interest group over that one,
is the True Leader and reflecting the 'leadership' of finding ways and means
 meet individuals wants and needs.

 Having worked in international development for too many years, I am well
versed in the IN-ability of government to promote, cause or stimulate an
 economy or a people into economic prosperity.  Government is truly the
underlying cause of dependence, poverty and the killer of innovation,
change  and  betterment.

 This has become increasingly known by those who care to look and see that,
via the Heritage Foundation, Cato Institute and Fraser surveys conducted
on  freedom and economic prosperity around the world, that the Freest areas
or peoples are those that have removed, decreased or eliminated government
 restrictions on trade, exchange and market operation for individuals.

 That is why e-gold, an innovative and creative idea turned into reality is
growing and has become the core or linchpin in the gold exchange market.
 The freedom of exchange in what is used for money, allowing various monies
and types of monies to compete openly, is anathema to nation-states and
the entire collectivist agenda.  They like producing money and exchange out
of thin air based on political needs and social justice---determined by them
 and their faulty ideas of right and wrong, good and evil, but always as a
form of control and command over people!!

 Responsible Leadership must needs be nurtured within individuals, allowed
natural expression within the market place as they deliver services or
goods to others who want them.  All forms of governance, when approaching
the national level or UN form (supra national) are, under any systems
 experience or use, failing from implosion and have been since, well the
USSR, as an example.  The EU has similar tendencies, as it imbues a
 bureaucracy to run things  versus any elected individuals, leading towarda
political model or Political Rule versus Rule of Law, but we shall see.

 Anyone who shows leadership in the political arena is really a scavenger,
2nd rate bandit with a big mouth that uses words to allow one group to rob
 another under the guise of 'social' progress.

 E-gold 'took' the lead (or showed leadership) in taking the risk,marketing
the 'idea' of gold-back money.  That is leadership.

 Responsible leadership.  The Truman innuendo that it is political is
absolute bull crap.  History proves it, now organizational development
 theory can track and demonstrate it's failings as a model.  Moving people
away from "Rob peter to pay Paul' based on class, color or geo location
 north or south and some of the spin offs of environmental cooling or
warming, depending on the 'model' and what is sellable, promoting taxes to
 be paid to the UN by everyone on the planet by use of force;  examples of
legal plunder, theft and thuggery dressed up.

 Go e-gold, be the catalyst for, one of many holes explored in the
international monetary system and let people determine whether they want
 good value or paper value.  Let the market decide, that is, individuals
trading and exchanging of their own free will and not tired down by or
 forcibly required to use fiat money!!

 I hope this is worthy and on point enough.

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