Metanoic wrote:

E-gold 'took' the lead (or showed leadership) in taking the risk,marketing
the 'idea' of gold-back money.  That is leadership.

Great perspective Noel. Thanks. I agree with the direction of e-metal currencies. For some time (couple of years) I'd been wanting to have a true online catalog and shopping cart that can accept credit/debit cards AND e-gold AND easy-to-use AND low cost. I want to "really participate" more in the new currencies spreading around the world that will eventually replace all fiat (bogus) currencies. The good news is that wished for flexible new catalog is only days away from going live! We are currently testing every aspect of it for correct and secure operation.

With this new catalog software I can now

1) offer many more products
2) auto-downloadable pdf products, music and video files
3) other merchants can come in as independent providers (very modest fee)
4) create and send periodic newsletters
5) accept credit/debit cards, e-gold, e-dinar, PayPal or redeem coupons (customers' choice)
6) add other payment methods as needed/desired (GoldMoney & e-Bullion to be added soon)
7) when e-dinar becomes lawful currency in 1/3 the world - I will be ready!

I've been a member of e-gold for some time but conducting business with/through e-gold has some limitations. The biggest limitation has been a lack of low cost, easy to use e-commerce tools. This new catalog is a powerful, easy to use and low cost tool for generating e-metal income by better serving that market and its merchants. It removes some of the limitations holding e-metal e-commerce down. My web site <> generates nearly 200,000 hits per month from around the world and now there is (soon) to be a greater flexibility and choice (I believe in free choice and privacy) in transaction/payment methods. My products (books, pamphlets, video and audio tapes, t-shirts, caps and assorted scientific instruments), and those of associated merchant/providers will be exposed to this growing crowd of visitors. As new e-commerce tools come on line (easy enough for non-programmers to use) e-metal commerce will expand into new markets and in quantity of gross sales. I am happy to be part of this global change in the way we have been doing things. Out with the Old Limited way of doings things - In with the New Unlimited ways!

Life, Light, Love and Laughter,
Dale Pond
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
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