Hello Danny,

I don't think that we will come full circle or that the new ETF will
replace Coupon currencies because a system that includes e-sugar, e-corn
and e-whathaveyou will still need a base denominator to be quoted in and
exchanged for.

The only reason there is money to begin with is because it was rather
difficult to trade horses against bear skins in order to buy milk and half
an antelope.

Money was used as the storage of wealth, exchangable for all the bearskins
cave man could eat and all the milk he could drown his 3rd wife in.

Now, a new system that let's you trade e-sugar for e-eggs and
e-processed_corn so that you can start selling e-pancakes would require
that someone actually bids for e-sugar and someone else submits an ask for
e-eggs and expects e-sugar in return.
How else could a system calculate the exchange values of the transaction?

Hence, it would be workable if everything was quoted in gold - or logs, or
rocks for that matter. Meaning one unit e-sugar is being quoted as 3 rocks
and e-eggs is a rock and a half. I'll swapp you two e-sugar for six
Know what I mean?
No denominator of quotation and the negotiation between you and me - even
through computers - would take forever, because I might actually not want
sugar, but sure have to get rid of the eggs, because one of them looks as
if it'll hatch any minute. What better way than selling my eggs for rocks
instead and using the rocks as a store of value until I need to 'buy'
something else.

Of course, we could make paper coupons for each rock, call them Dollar and
just spend them in shops...

The only real break through and full circle will really be when the trade
denominator and common store of wealth will once again become gold. There
is a strong movement in that direction on government levels of the
Non-aligned Movement nations, but it will take time, because everybody got
used to the coupons and a gold-based system of exchange will bring
transparency with it. Something most governments aren't even thinking
about yet ;o)


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