> From: "Robert S.Z." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 11:42:17 -0400
> To: "e-gold Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [e-gold-list] Re: Speaking of cutting loosses

> Hi Goerge,
> Omni claims to have never had wholesale rates all of a sudden. It's
> starting to look as if nobody trades at Spot anymore, even for larger
> chunks. But thanks for the suggestion.

When Omnipay instituted their new "straddled spread" pricing policy (meaning
they charged on both inexchange and outexchange instead of selling at spot +
x% and buying back at spot) I wrote a letter to Doug Jackson and others at
e-gold/Omnipay recommending that they not follow this policy, and that it
was more important to e-gold's circulation to support a policy to buy at
spot. It used to be that $1,000 worth of e-gold would get you $1,000 US from
anyone, but now it gets $990 or $980 depending on if you use a regular
provider or Omnipay. That has some users, like your customer, wondering.
Back in November I also predicted that eventually exchangers would migrate
to -1% outexchange fees, and they would also have to lower their inexchange
fees, although some companies pledged to continue accepting e-gold at spot
and charging 4%+ on inexchanges because their customers valued their service
that much. Instead, most exchangers have lowered their inexchange rates and
now only buy back e-gold at -1%. The new policy also put the squeeze on
exchangers because when Omnipay lowered their rate from 5% to 2% they not
only forced lower rates, but they kept the wholesale e-gold rate at 1%. This
means that to match Omnipay's prices your margin went from 4% (5%-1%) to 1%
(2%-1%). I think due to this in part several exchangers have closed their
business or sold their business, and I hear a few other exchangers are
wanting to sell out.

I haven't ordered straight from Omnipay for a little while, but if they no
longer offer a wholesale rate, that puts additional pressure on providers. I
said last year the new pricing structure would force many providers out of
the market, and maybe that was Omnipay and e-gold's goal, I don't know. I
never got any response to the issues I raised in my letters.  I think e-gold
needs a vibrant exchange provider network for worldwide coverage and for
providing a wide variety of ancillary services. I will also say that
Omnipay's pricing methodology isn't exactly transparent on how many percent
you are paying on outexchanges unless you work out their rates compared to
spot with a calculator.

- John

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