At 11:21 AM +0300 6/26/03, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:
>As for the price shooting up and collapse next, that's something you have
>not so much control over.

I disagree. There were MANY obvious signs that many IPOs were
initially underpriced, and this underpricing was used as a way to
compensate/retain good customers such as eBay's Meg Whitman,
so brokerages were aware of the phenomenon and had plenty of
control over it (and who benefited from it -- not just Meg!).

>It could have happened to TGC shares as well.
>Once your stock starts trading, it starts a life of its own. If there are
>enough crazy investors that start bidding ridiculous prices to snap up more
>shares, the price will rise fast, and next sellers come in to take the quick
>profit, and the stock price collapses.

We'll see how orderly DBourse's disorderly market becomes...So
far, it is a _LOT_ less exciting to be a first week TGC shareholder
than a RedHat or VALinux shareholder, though!
>I don't think the profit margins of casino's are so much of a secret.
>Moreover, in case of an electronic casino, you know exactly the profit
>margin of each game , as it only depends how you program them.

Recall one of the robots actually got about 50 grams AHEAD on
"Joker Poker"! I think it's a bit more of a black-art than outsiders
might suppose...

>The only information that will be of interest to the competition is the
>turnover your casino is making, as that will allow them to see whether they
>are gaining or loosing market share.

I think they'd also be interested in the absolute size of turnover,
which is why FUNBONDs never revealed that number.
>> Yes, but no company really "needs" a particular exact quantity
>> of marketing, for example.
>That's a different thing.

Ads costs money, for which there's no actual known "need," and 
money (which is fungible stuff) is what IPOs raise! 

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