> I think perhaps they should send YOU a share for knocking them on the
> head, Danny -- note they now have such info in flashing red type :-)
> https://www.dbourse.com/profiles/tgc
> heh...

Hi JP,

Maybe 'you' should send me a share in TGC, because I figured out that you
own 1% of TGC and have right to vote ... hehe!

But I have to knock on their heads some more...
Now different questions arise, and other crucial information is missing too.
Crucial information that every 'sophisticated investor' will ask for, and
according to their site it is sophisticated investors they are targetting.

So now we know there are 4000 shares outstanding, and the 400 shares offered
in the ipo have right to vote.
The question arises when , how and where you will be able to vote.
Otherwise it doesn't make sense to say that you have right ot vote if you
don't know when and at what place you will be able to vote , and on which
Plain common sense.
Can the ordinary investors call for a vote, and how?
Where will be the annual meeting, at what dates, and can I  vote over the
internet? (like is the case with almost every stock you can buy on Nasdaq or
Usually all these things are described in the company statutes, which are
always available to the public investors. But, I didn't find it at their

Who is the chairman, at what intervals he will be reelected, what other
management positions are available?
What is the yearly wage and bonuses they receive..?

They talk about profitable and growing business since 2000.
Where are the numbers, so I can judge if 100gg is a reasonable price to pay
for 1/1000th piece of this cake.
Because in absence of this information I will be literally blind and deaf as
an investor in this stock.

One piece of information is definitely incorrect in their profile:
"....TGC has no debt and has had no debt since 1st Quarter 2001. TGC has
excellent cash reserves. It has zero receivables. It has no liabilities.
This is mistaken as the outstanding balances that customers have in their
TGC account, are liabilities for TGC, meaning they have to be able to pay
back these amounts when the customer requires so.
So, that statement is false and properly published numbers would show both
the cash reserves and liabilities (in form of balances held by customers) at
the end of each quarter.

They talk about quarterly reports.
What information they will be sharing in this report?
Just vague statements like 'our business grew by 10% last quarter' , or the
real numbers?
And is there any independant third party that will be verifying the numbers
they give, or am I supposed to just take their word for it? (which would
open the easy possibility for Enron style scandals gallore..., and hence
command a huge risk premium...)

Another gem I picked up from their site:

"TGC does not especially need the additional capital raised by the IPO, the
broader goal is to create excitement around the internet gold "scene,"
enhance the reputation of internet gold and extend its uses, extend the "TGC
family," and (a process which takes years or a decade) build an impeccable
reputation amongst gold financiers, much as TGC enjoys an excellent
reputation with its numerous fans and users built-up carefully over years. "

This is definitely a novelty, a company doing an ipo and stating that it
doesn't really need the capital raised by it.
In other words the 40 kg of gold will just sit there in an account, and they
will effectively pay out $32,000 in dividends every year, as some form of
charity it seems, only with the noble purpose of building a 'family'
An considering there can be at the most 400 'family members', and in
practice probably less than 100, ... hmmmm..

I'll leave it here


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