They're not making a prediction, they are choosing a price at which they are willing to sell off 10% of the company. They're just asking a price, seeing if they can get it. Looks like they can, so far.

True, like I said, you and I discussed it at "phenomenal length" and came to no more than a tie, so we oughtn't start up again :)

Incidentally, you're somewhat correct -- they might be asking a ridiculously low price of only 40,000 grams for 10% of the company.


For example, do you think the principals would sell 100% of the company for 400,000 grams? I doubt it -- what's that, less than $5 million for the whole company?

inconceivable, unless they are utter fools

This round of share sales is going pretty well, wouldn't you say?


It's a spectacular, staggering, mind-numbing event for the world. For world history. It's absolutely seminal.

It's a staggeringly important event in the gold economy universe, and in 15 years the whole WORLD is going to be about IG systems.

Like, major historical world turning points (you know, "the Enlightenment" or "religion") each have certain memorable "shot heard around the world" type events associated with them. The TGC issue is such a thing. In 1000 years they'll talk about the TGC issue, thee famous lawsuit between GM and EG, and so on

It is spectacularly unbelievable that it is happening around us.

And what happens if between now and 2007 the share price goes to 400 grams a piece?

Well i really only care about the dividend. if the dividend quadruples in a decade or whatever to 2.5 g, I will get 100 grams per month from my 40 shares! (I guess 2.5 g is a magic number for me then! :) )


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