I will tell you exactly what will happen.

If e-gold ever reached a market cap large enough to make a dent in a fiat
currency (they are a long way off from that)
The world bank, the federal reserve, the European union and ptobably a
handfull of other groups will make it their highest
priority to:

Choose one of the following:

A. Sue them into oblivion
B. Press criminal charges and send the owners to guantanomo bay
C. throw the owners out of a 23rd story window and call it a suicide
D. Beam a plasma laser from the moon onto the e-gold servers
E. Break in a steal their servers (under court order) and client lists and
go after every client
F. Break in a steal their servers (NOT under court order, but in the dark of
the night) and client lists and go after every client (also in the dark of
the night)
G. Send seal team six into to work the place over
H. Explode a car bomb near their building and blame terrorists.
I. Make digital currency illegal without an SEC permit (A permit that no one
seems to be able to get granted to them except visa and MC)
J. Offer to buy the company or else
K. discover their elusive gold holding and make it dissapear


Just smile becasue they already own it so what difference does it make. "The
test went well boys. Better than we could have ever been imagined!"

Any questions?

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