Dear Patrick,

As Graham said, "it will only be a fraction of a fraction of a percentage of
the worlds economies"! Gold simply can't back the world's economy! There
isn't enough! Paper money can exactly because it can be printed (and

Paper money doesn't need gold, and that is because it should back the
economy not the gold. Paper money is supposed to be issued to cover the
entire economic value of a country. If you would try to back the USD with
gold, you would find it impossible to back the *entire* economic value of US
with that USD. There just isn't enough gold in the world for that.

*An economy has to grow! The amount of gold, in the entire world, can't grow
(extracted from the ground) as fast as the world's economy, and certainly
not in the same amount / volume.*

Yes, paper money has no value, but guess what: neither does gold! Gold
doesn't feed you or your family. Gold is good because of its security when
economies crash, and because it can transcend governments and banks and
people can use DGCs to easily transfer value anywhere in the world. The only
reason I am interested in gold is because of DGCs.

Paper money, gold and stock have value only as much as people give them.
They have no intrinsic value. They don't feed you, they don't shelter you.
Besides, paper is always good for fire, gold isn't good even for that (okay,
okay, is good for electronic circuits).

Let me put it another way... Say the fiat currency is backed by gold and the
economy grows. That means the currency (/gold) is more valuable. What
happens with stock when it becomes too valuable? It *looses* value because
though people want to buy it, they just can't afford it. So, the stock has
to split to have *liquidity*. You have the example of TGC with its shares:
they are too valuable / expensive for people to buy them (sure, they have a
reason for that).

Would you do the same (split) with paper currencies? You can't afford that
because then they wouldn't be backed by gold, and it would be like changing
the money every few years. What a mess!

So, what is there to be done? You slowly and constantly devaluate the paper
money to fit / cover / back the entire economy, just as gold has to back the
entire amount of DGCs. Or, if the economy slows down, you withdraw paper
money, again to cover the entire economic value left. You can't do that with
gold! Gold is, paper money is made!

A different example... Say any of the merchants here would sell a CD for 1
gram of (e)gold - round value: 10 USD. But, they would say "wait a minute,
gold's real value is 100 USD/gram, not 10!" What would the merchant do? Sell
the CDs in gold grams, or in USD? Who would by a CD for 1 gram of gold
valued by the merchant for 100 USD? Nobody! Why not? Because nobody values
gold that much, since gold itself has no value. The paper money (10 USD)
doesn't have value either, but most people value it only because the rest of
people do the same and because there's plenty of paper around. If the
merchant would sell for 0.1 grams of 100 USD/gram, you have the same price
as normally is - 10 USD, so you've done nothing but went a different road to
Rome. The final value of the CD remains the same.

George Hara


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