At 08:30 PM 9/18/2003 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Also, with regards to Jim's comments about synthetic diamonds: They are
grossly over-rated.  What most of the media articles and snake oil
salesmen pushing synths do not tell you is that the technology has already
been around for years, it does make nice stones but not reliably, and that
solid appraisers CAN tell the difference -- and if there is even a margin
of doubt as to a diamond's authenticity as a naturally-occuring stone, it
is so noted on its certification and/or appraisal.

Nature is giving man a helping hand on the matter as well:  diamonds of
the degree of near-perfection to which synthetic standards aspire are
virtually non-existent in the world of natural stones, and stick out like
a sore thumb.  On the other hand, man-made imperfections look so contrived
that only a fool would not know them for what they are.

Can you offer creditable on-line references to support these contentions?


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