> I hope we will always be friendly to each other on this list and 
> elsewhere,
> Krzysztof, and I really hope we do meet someday and play Sor and Aguado
> parts together! That would be fun. You are welcome to visit me in 
> Scotland
> anytime! Where do you live?

I will certainly cut off my thumb's nail for the occasion!
I live in Warsaw, Poland and you are welcome to visit me! If you're nearby, 
just drop me a message!

>we must remember that Sor
> would have started his early guitar life playing a double-course 
> instrument,
> and that his Method was written near the end of his career. It can be a
> confusing study.

Thank you for your comments upon double courses. For me they were alway 
frightening thing... 

Is it possible then that Sor's approach to RH technique is of courses origin? I 
mean - if you can draw this from his RHT descriptin in his Method?


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