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From: Nancy Tuana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


>From Boundaries to Borderlands:
Intersections of Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s)

Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
August 28-30, 1997

"From Boundaries to Borderlands" will explore intersections of
feminism(s) and rhetoric(s).  This conference will emphasize
multidisciplinary exchange; therefore, we welcome both disciplinary
and cross-disciplinary proposals that engage feminism(s) and
rhetoric(s) in dialogue and performance.

Keynote speakers include:

BARBARA WARNICK, Professor and Chair of Speech Communication, the
University of Washington.  Warnick currently serves as Editor of the
Quarterly Journal of Speech; she is also a former President of the
American Society of the History of Rhetoric.  Her publications
include The Sixth Canon:  Belletristic Rhetorical Theory and Its
French Antecedents and Fenelon's letter to the French Academy with an
Introduction and Commentary.

NANCY TUANA, Professor of Philosophy, the University of Oregon.
Tuana's publications include Feminism and Philosophy:  Essential
Readings in Theory, Reinterpretation, and Application, Re-Reading the
Canon:  Feminist Interpretations of Plato, Feminism and Science,
Women and the History of Philosophy, and The Less Noble Sex:
Scientific, Religious, and Philosophical Conceptions of Women's

JACQUELINE JONES ROYSTER, Associate Professor of English, the Ohio
State University.  Royster is Senior Associate Editor of Sage:  A
Scholarly Journal on Black Women and has served as former chair of
the Conference on College Composition and Communication.  Her
publications include Doublestitch:  Black Women Write About Mothers
and Daughters and Southern Horrors and Other Writings:  The
Antilynching Campaign of Ida B. Wells-Barnett.

ANDREA A. LUNSFORD, Distinguished Professor of English, the Ohio
State University.  Her publications include Reclaiming Rhetorica:
Women in the History of Rhetoric, Singular Texts/Plural Authors:
Perspectives on Collaborative Writing, The Future of Doctoral Studies
in English, and Essays on Classical Rhetoric and Modern Discourse.

To submit a proposal for a twenty-minute paper, send three copies of
a one-page description.

To submit a proposal for a panel of three speakers (presenting
twenty-minute papers) or a roundtable of four or five participants
(speaking ten to fifteen minutes), send three copies of a one-page
description of the entire session, as well as three copies of each
individual presenter's one-page description.  (If you wish, you may
designate a chairperson for your panel.)

With ALL submissions, please include all relevant names, addresses,
phone numbers, fax numbers, and electronic-mail addresses.

Send HARD COPY of all materials by regular mail to:
Lisa Ede and Cheryl Glenn
c/o Feminism(s) and Rhetoric(s) Conference
Department of English
238 Moreland Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5302

1-541-737-3710 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lisa Ede)
1-541-737-1647 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cheryl Glenn)

PROPOSAL DEADLINES:  October 30, 1996 (postmark)
SORRY:  No Fax or e-mail proposals can be accepted

Nancy Tuana
Department of Philosophy
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR   97403-1295
503 346-1547

Linda Lopez McAlister, Editor, HYPATIA; Listowner SWIP-L; Chair
Dept. of Women's Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa.
Tel. 813-974-0982/FAX [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

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