> To equate meat eating with wife beating and rape is, in my opinion, to 
> subscribe to the same sort of moral extremism that leads "pro-lifers" to 
> call first trimester abortions "murder" and to label fertilized eggs 
> "babies."  As I said before, to consider meat eating "murder" 

This is interesting but irrelevant to my point.  I didn't call meat-
eating "murder," nor did I "equate" meat-eating with wife-beating or 
rape.  The comparison was this: domestic violence against women and 
children, and the animal farming system, are both oppressive.  And in 
both cases, support for the practices is defended by calling the 
choices leading to the oppression "personal"--i.e., non-political.  A 
man has a right to put whatever he chooses into his mouth, and a 
man has a right to treat "his" wife and children as he sees fit.  Or 
so it's often thought.  

If you doubt whether buying meat contributes to an oppressive system, 
go visit a slaughterhouse.  


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