I am suprised and quite shocked that people are unaware that many men that
rape are not interested sexually in the person they rape. In fact, many of
the men who rape cannot fully function sexually and some cannot even fully
get erect. It has always been stated by professionals who deal with
rapists and raped women that rapists are only after power over their
victims. Much like a man would rape a child or a baby, power over
something that cannot struggle easily or sometimes it is the struggle that
excites them. It is always common knowledge that it wasnt a sexual thing.

My 2 cents,

On Sat, 5 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated 98-09-05 07:26:10 EDT, you write:
> << No, rape is a power thing , definitely not sexual.
>  I'll get you some references from the textbooks if you like.
>  I thought it was common knowledge among feminists concerning rape and power,
>  strange how people see things. There is nothing sexual about rape.
>  Men rape women as a power thing, I thought everyone knew that.
>  I'll send the references through tomorrow (My friend who is doing a Masters
> in 
>  counselling and womens studies has them). >>
> Hi!
> I just have one question here - Margueritte - What kind of power are men
> trying to assert when raping a women?  There are different kinds of powers -
> there is also the power of love - power itself is not a bad thing - the misuse
> of power is what we have to worry about - how powerful are we - we can create
> and destroy - we can love/we can hate; can hurt/we can heal,  help/we can
> makes things worse - we really are powerful to some extent - if we use that
> power for good/holy or bad/wicked it is always a choice - freewill - however,
> the problem these men who choose wrong is there mental well-being - they are
> sick - they are scarred from past experiences with other women, sexually
> insane and crazed or sexually deprived in some way - they are a product of a
> society that teaches it is OK for man to claim domination over women and the
> environment - the domination from believing the spirit of creation is male and
> woman was made to be subservient and unequal/because women is the weaker sex -
> This of course is wrong - we know that now.  They are therefore the stronger
> sex - look here let me show you how strong I am - when a man forces himself
> upon a woman without her consent - he is asserting his sexual strength as a
> male - that power from being man sexual made in God's image - as if women was
> not made in God's image?  If women could be strengthed and empowered to
> believe that she is equally as divine in the eyes of the creator - just think
> of the possibilities - but then we all have to believe that there is a creator
> - not to bring up religion but spirituality - religion is just the institution
> where we increase our spirituality - we can be spiritual without following any
> particular religion - however we have to agree that there is a creator and
> that the creator has a male and female side!  - Once we do that we can move to
> how to celebrate the spiritual femme(s)!    
> Love,
> Angela

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