In a message dated 9/6/98 5:34:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<It is possible to be a secular humanist, a neopagan and an 
ecofeminist all at once.  I am such a person.>>

try a pagan whose registered republican & often actually votes that way>
Cohen, Snowe, Collins,  etc.  (senators or former)
talk about trying to make change where it's needed from the inside; ever try
ousting the christian coalition from a political party, it's not easy.
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Sep  7 15:19:25 1998
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 17:19:20 EDT
Subject: Re: Why men batter women

both were bad as we can't know for sure this Bin Laden character isn't just
some fabrication of the CIA & we can't know for certain those so called
terrorist camps were what we were told or that terrorists were actualy behind
those bombing.  I can tell you this Cohen in answering press corps questions
from what I saw there isn't remotely comfortable with things as they are in
the white house.  I know him personally, having worked for his political
campaigns back when he was senator.  I just hope his head doesn't end up on
the block for this.  I know he would have rather have been Sec State.  &
considering Albright is a naturalized citizen & therefore can't become
president so Gingrich would if Clinton & Gore were somehow removed, I would
have much rather have had Cohen as Sec State too.
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Sep  7 15:21:29 1998
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 17:21:20 EDT
Subject: Re: Why men batter women

Sexism & racism have the same root ultimately; one section of society claiming
they are somehow better than the rest in this case useing superficial reason. 
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Sep  7 15:25:27 1998
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 17:25:20 EDT
Subject: How we perceive things


I wanted to share this with the list.  My oldest son starts school tomorrow
and I was looking at my 3 boys thinking about this list and thinking about how
they will perceive the Earth and the women in their lives - will they grow to
be respectful loving adults who do not abuse the Earth and the women and other
men for that matter?  How can I assure that I raise them properly?  What will
they learn in schools, from their friends and from community events that will
change their perceptions of the Earth and humans from what I teach them?  

The connection I see between Ecology and Feminism is that there is a
perception of male dominance that is causing dominition of the ecology and
females!  The root of the problem is where these women/men are getting these
bad perceptions of Earth as Dominion and Women as inferior - from their
spiritual leaders, from educational institutions from society at large.  So,
how do we change these bad perceptions at the root!  this bad perception-
Earth as Dominion and Women as inferior - I say by changing spiritual
teachings, educational institutions and each others at the root ./   The right
perception would be 
Earth as living organism (male and female) - humans as co-inhabitants with the
rest of nature and women as equal partners to men as equal partners and co-
defenders and co-creators of life on Earth.  This should be taught to children
in religious and other educational institutions at a very early age - I am not
talking about propaganda but about ensuring that these children grow up to be
adults who have no misunderstanding of their true place in the great tapestry
of life side by side as co-inhabitants!  Teach them young that fertility is
life (as Chris says!) - to honor, love and respect it - to celebrate that as
one feminine face of  creation!

So once we/they start perceiving things differently we see that we/they are
equals, we/they are sacred, we/they are stewards and we/they can continue to
make things better.  I would like to see Ecofeminism instead of teaching just
theories - teach practical ways to applie this correct perception to our
everyday lives!  Empower humans with the truth and let them form their own
spiritual beliefs - that will spring from the right perceptions - not to
continue to teach them to believe that God is male!  But - If you teach them
that the male patriarchial religions are to blame and therefore are wrong -
then you are blaming the holy spirit of creation - whether you believe in the
spirit or not - that IS the way the the believers of the spirit will perceive
it - that is what I initially perceived - blame - eventhough some people noted
that blame was not on their agenda - that is the way is being presented - you
have to blame someone - so why not the saviors?!  The problem is that the
feminine side of everything needs to bloom now and reflower the Earth!  They -
people who believe in male saviors - will not change that which they feel does
not need to be changed - However, if you speak their language and ask them to
enhance what they believe with the feminine face of creation - you stand a
better chance at making lasting change. 
Love and Peace,
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Sep  7 15:25:57 1998
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 14:25:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: Miguel Angel Ordorica <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Why men batter women

My god, I hadn't even thought of the Newt possibility- any one know a good
country to move too?

              *        Miguel A Ordorica            *
              *    Washington State University      *
              *     Department of Sociology         *
              *         Office Wilson 237           *
              *      (509) 335-4595  (Office)       * 
              *      (509) 332-4442 (Home)          *

On Mon, 7 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> both were bad as we can't know for sure this Bin Laden character isn't just
> some fabrication of the CIA & we can't know for certain those so called
> terrorist camps were what we were told or that terrorists were actualy behind
> those bombing.  I can tell you this Cohen in answering press corps questions
> from what I saw there isn't remotely comfortable with things as they are in
> the white house.  I know him personally, having worked for his political
> campaigns back when he was senator.  I just hope his head doesn't end up on
> the block for this.  I know he would have rather have been Sec State.  &
> considering Albright is a naturalized citizen & therefore can't become
> president so Gingrich would if Clinton & Gore were somehow removed, I would
> have much rather have had Cohen as Sec State too.

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