Yes, I think I may denounce citizenship if Gingrich became president, and
I live in Georgia as well. A Republican on this listserv, how novel!

And some were upset to learn there are nonspiritualists on this listserv,
my, my!


On Mon, 7 Sep 1998, Miguel Angel Ordorica wrote:

> My god, I hadn't even thought of the Newt possibility- any one know a good
> country to move too?
>               ***************************************
>               *        Miguel A Ordorica            *
>               *    Washington State University      *
>             *     Department of Sociology         *
>               *         Office Wilson 237           *
>               *      (509) 335-4595  (Office)       * 
>               *      (509) 332-4442 (Home)          *
>               ***************************************
> On Mon, 7 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > both were bad as we can't know for sure this Bin Laden character isn't just
> > some fabrication of the CIA & we can't know for certain those so called
> > terrorist camps were what we were told or that terrorists were actualy behind
> > those bombing.  I can tell you this Cohen in answering press corps questions
> > from what I saw there isn't remotely comfortable with things as they are in
> > the white house.  I know him personally, having worked for his political
> > campaigns back when he was senator.  I just hope his head doesn't end up on
> > the block for this.  I know he would have rather have been Sec State.  &
> > considering Albright is a naturalized citizen & therefore can't become
> > president so Gingrich would if Clinton & Gore were somehow removed, I would
> > have much rather have had Cohen as Sec State too.
> > 

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