Dear colleagues,

I am sad to report that gross gender differences do exist. 

I never felt any sexual bias in undergraduate (University of Chicago) or 
graduate school (Harvard).  However, now in the work place I am shocked at the 
pay discrimination between sexes. The overwhelming claim is that men "need to 
support a family"  and women... well...  Huh?  It's disgusting.  

So if you are a fresh female PhD be EXTREMELY careful about your contract 
negotiations, talk with your advisors or others before you ever start 
negotiations as to how to negotiate and never let it leak how much you would 
like the position.  Do your homework! Make sure you aren't being taken 
advantage of while your male colleagues armed with only a Masters degree, less 
experience, fewer successes and 1/4 the work of you earn as much or more.....

I hope advisors will speak to grauate students about these issues.  I think the 
hiring and negotiation process is too rarely discussed and left to chance.


> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "David Inouye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Career advice for scientists: the X-gals alliance
> Date:         Tue, 31 Oct 2006 17:36:07 -0500
> I'm hoping that women in ecology aren't facing all the
> gender-specific barriers mentioned here:


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