
I would propose Michael Ruse, whom I was fortunate enough to have as a
professor one semester while he still taught at the University of Guelph
(Ontario, Canada).  Currently, he teaches at Florida State University and
has focused a lot of his career on the philosophy and history of science. 
He has written several books on the whole evolution/creation/Darwinism
topic, and I've seen him on TV and heard him on the radio.  I found his
FSU website for your interest:

(see especially his CV including books published)

Hope this helps!

Kristina Pendergrass
Research Associate,
Scott-Ritchey Research Center
College of Veterinary Medicine
Auburn University, AL  36849

> Does anyone know of any prominent historians of science, maybe someone who
> specifically focuses on the whole history of the evolution/creation
> controversy? I want to find someone well known - maybe who has gotten some
> media coverage - but it not being my field I really have no idea. I can do
> a
> google search but that won't really tell me that. Ideally they would be in
> the US but not absolutely necessary.
> Thanks!!
> Wendee
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>     Wendee Holtcamp, M.S. Wildlife Ecology
>         Freelance Writer-Photographer
>         <http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com/> http://www.wendeeholtcamp.com
>          Bohemian Adventures Blog
>  <http://bohemianadventures.blogspot.com/>
> http://bohemianadventures.blogspot.com
>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>                       CRIKEY!

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