Have you seen this?  A peer reviewed journal for young earth creationism!
Please tell me that someone out there is preparing some stiff opposition to

When this thing gets off the ground it will do a pretty good job of
undermining scientific method and credibility.  This may be even worse than
recent scandals involving pharmaceutical industry funding of
product research or petroleum industry scientists contradicting
climatologists on global warming.  Journals on the whole are losing their
credibility because of various financial entanglements in a few key
fields.  This current attack is not going to help ecology and evolutionary
biology one bit.

As goes the reputation of journals, so goes the voices of reason.  Can
anyone think of a way to defend Aristotelian logic or all we all going to
just watch placidly as the age of reason slips into the shadowy
recesses of a new, albeit perhaps more subtle Dark Ages.

Jim Sparks

 *International Journal for Creation Research *

The Institute for Creation Research is pleased to announce the inaugural
Call for Papers for the International Journal of Creation Research (IJCR).

IJCR is a professional peer-reviewed journal of interdisciplinary scientific
research that presents evidence for recent creation within a biblical

Addressing the need to disseminate the vast field of research conducted by
experts in geology, genetics, astronomy, and other disciplines of science,
IJCR provides scientists and students hard data based on cutting-edge
research that demonstrates the young earth model, the global Flood, the
non-evolutionary origin of the species, and other evidences that correlate
to the biblical accounts.

It is our hope that you will be encouraged in your study of creation science
issues that remain at the forefront of education and research.

Andrew A. Snelling

James L. Sparks Jr. M.Sc.
Freelance Ecology
4530 E. Seminary Ave.
Richmond, VA 23227
804.426.2479 (cell)

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