I am posting this message to solicit advice.   My situation is that I 
graduated in 2000 with a B.S. in wildlife biology with an abysmal GPA: 
2.77.   During school and since I’ve done a lot of technician type jobs in 
the fields of wildlife and ecology but at 30 years old I no longer find 
these types of positions intellectually fulfilling, feel that I can 
contribute more, and would like to pursue a graduate education.   I took 
the GRE for the first time this year (with 2 weeks to prepare) in order to 
apply for a RA (didn’t get it).   My scores are 720 quantitative, 580 
verbal.   I can likely do better.
So my question is how can I pursue a graduate education with a less then 
stellar GPA?  Is it even possible?  Would taking classes help?  Classes 
would be expensive, as I’ve moved a lot for the temporary jobs and do not 
qualify for instate tuition anywhere.
In hindsight I should’ve taken undergraduate education more seriously, but 
I feel I’ve gained experience and maturity since then and that it is 
really time to move forward.  
I am particularly interested in advice from those who have served as 
graduate advisors and from those who have completed a M.S. despite having 
a low undergraduate GPA.

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