Many people are late bloomers, but 2.77 (A = 4.0) is not an abyssmal GPA. 
I suspect you will find many PHDs whose undergrad GPA was in this
ballpark, I know of several.  others are very focused on a particular
subfield at an early age.  Occassionlly people are both!  These things
cause GPA's to be a little lower.  Your last 60 hrs is particularly
important.  There are many schools that will admit you, but you can't
expect to be admitted to Harvard.  Look into the smaller regional state
universities and I bet you can get admitted to an MS program.  I suspect
you may even get an assistantship at a smaller state institution.

On Tue, August 14, 2007 2:09 pm, S wrote:
> I am posting this message to solicit advice.   My situation is that I
> graduated in 2000 with a B.S. in wildlife biology with an abysmal GPA:
> 2.77.   During school and since I’ve done a lot of technician type jobs in
> the fields of wildlife and ecology but at 30 years old I no longer find
> these types of positions intellectually fulfilling, feel that I can
> contribute more, and would like to pursue a graduate education.   I took
> the GRE for the first time this year (with 2 weeks to prepare) in order to
> apply for a RA (didn’t get it).   My scores are 720 quantitative, 580
> verbal.   I can likely do better.
> So my question is how can I pursue a graduate education with a less then
> stellar GPA?  Is it even possible?  Would taking classes help?  Classes
> would be expensive, as I’ve moved a lot for the temporary jobs and do not
> qualify for instate tuition anywhere.
> In hindsight I should’ve taken undergraduate education more seriously, but
> I feel I’ve gained experience and maturity since then and that it is
> really time to move forward.
> I am particularly interested in advice from those who have served as
> graduate advisors and from those who have completed a M.S. despite having
> a low undergraduate GPA.
> Thanks.

Malcolm L. McCallum
Assistant Professor of Biology
Editor Herpetological Conservationa and Biology

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