Dear listers,

I'm currently working on a project at the Ohio State University in 
Columbus, and I plan to use the Campbell 21x datalogger to monitor 
temperature by wiring 8 thermocouples on the panel board.

The datalogger is borrowed from a colleague, and the battery is totally 
discharged and can not be recharged. So I plan to purchase a motorcycle or 
car battery to power up the datalogger during the growing season. I found a 
really nice one with 44 Ahr capacity. 

The problem is I don't want to recharge the battery in the middle of season 
because that way I will have to buy two batteries for continuous 
measurement. Some one also suggested a solar panel but it seems expensive 
too. So the question is: does anyone know if a battery with 44 Ahr can 
provide power to the 21x for about 4 month in the field without recharging?  

Another question is how to retrieve the data. I plan to bring my laptop in 
the field and download the data every few weeks. But I'm worried about if I 
can see my laptop screen clearly during a sunny summer day. Is there any 
alternative method to download data from 21x?  

Thanks a lot. 

Jing Luo

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