This has been an especially interesting and worthwhile discussion, particularly 
on the ethics front. My ethics derive from an ecologist whose name I can no 
longer recall but whose mantra was that Nature took millions of years to sort 
out the current state and any human-caused change is, by definition, adverse. 
Where people have a hand in it, it is bad, regardless of any perceived 
shot-term benefit. Pedagogical but true in my view.

Cordially yours,
  Geoff Patton, Ph.D.  2208 Parker Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902      301.221.9536

--- On Tue, 5/11/10, James Crants <> wrote:

From: James Crants <>
Subject: Re: [ECOLOG-L] Ecology Terminology and associated phenomena Colonizing 
species etc
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 10:47 AM

I think I have not made my arguments clearly enough.  I merely intended
to summarize my moral case for suppressing invasives as part of my summary
of the off-forum conversation.  My numbered paragraphs were intended to
address the claim that there is no ecological difference between native and
exotic species, and the claim that there is no ecological difference between
human-mediated dispersal and dispersal by any other agent.  My responses to
Matt's responses to those paragraphs are below:

JC(1) Exotic species, on average, interact with fewer species than native

> species, and their interactions are  weaker, on average.  In particular,
> they have fewer parasites, pathogens, and predators, counted in either
> individuals or species.  This is especially true of plants, and especially
> non-crop plants.  I suspect, but have not heard, that exotic plants also
> have fewer mycorrhizal associates than native ones, but I doubt that they
> have significantly fewer pollinators or dispersers.  Meanwhile, back in
> their native ranges, the same species have the same number of associations
> as any other native species.
> MC(1) Natural selection only produces interactions good enough to persist
> under prevailing conditions; there is no gold standard. By definition, 50%
> of all species interact with fewer species than average, and  50% of all
> interactions are weaker than average.  Preferring stronger, more complex
> interactions means preferring more tightly-coupled (and therefore)
> 'riskier'
> systems with a higher likelihood of failure.
JC (1b) The argument about how many species interact with fewer species than
average misses my point.  I'm saying that, if you counted the biological
interactions for each native species and each exotic species in some area
(could be a square meter, could be the world), I believe you would find that
the average number for exotic species would be significantly lower than the
average for exotic species.  Thus, exotic species are ecologically different
from native species.

Actually, having more interactions may mean greater stability, on average,
since some of those interactions are functionally redundant.  I would have
to brush up on my community ecology to be sure I'm not being overly
simplistic, but I know this is true in pollination systems; pollinators that
interact with more angiosperm species have greater population stability, on
average, and angiosperms with more pollinator species have greater
reproductive stability, on average (though I don't know if this leads to
greater population stability for long-lived species).

I'm not sure what you mean by "systems with a higher likelihood of
failure."  It seems to me that failure is a matter of human values not being
realized.  If, by "failure," you mean "rapid change," well, that hardly
seems to be a problem for you.  I would have to agree that systems managed
to promote natives at the expense of exotics are more prone to failure than
those where any and all ecological outcomes are deemed acceptable, but
that's only because "failure" in the former group means invasion and
domination by exotic species, while there is no such thing as "failure" in
the latter group.

> JC(2) Very-long-distance dispersal by humans confers a fitness advantage
> over very-long-distance dispersal by other agents, on average, for two
> reasons.  First, humans often disperse organisms in groups, such
> as containers of seeds, shipments of mature plants and animals, or large
> populations contained in ballast water, allowing them to overcome the Allee
> effects (lack of mates, inbreeding depression) their populations would face
> if introduced as one or a few individuals.  We also often take pains to
> maximize the establishment success of organisms we disperse, by shipping
> healthy, mature plants and animals and propogating them when they arrive,
> while non-human dispersal agents usually introduce small numbers of
> organisms, often nowhere near their peak fitness potential (e.g., seeds,
> spores, starving and dehydrated animals).
> MC(2). JC appears to be arguing that once rare occurrences are no longer
> rare.  I agree.  But I draw the opposite conclusion, because he is arguing
> that to generate such changes is morally wrong, while I am just saying:
> when
> these conditions prevail, long distance dispersal becomes normal.
JC(2b) I'm not saying anything (here) about whether the recent commonness of
previously-rare dispersal events is morally wrong.  I'm countering the
argument that human-mediated dispersal confers no fitness advantage
over dispersal by any other agent.  Others may be aware of an invasive
exotic species that was not imported by humans in far greater numbers than
we could reasonably expect from any other agent, even if it had 100,000
years to work, but I am not.

Furthermore, most invasive species were carefully planted and tended across
large areas.  Others may know of a dispersal agent that takes such care of
the species it disperses AND has any realistic potential of dispersing
something over 1,000 miles, but I do not.  Human-mediated dispersal is
unlike dispersal mediated by any other agent.

> JC(3) Although the population dynamics of invasive species do not differ by
> what agent introduced them (whether humans brought them, some other agent
> did, or they evolved in situ), it is ecologically consequential that human
> activities are generating so many more invasive species than natural
> processes usually do.  Aside from maybe continents or oceans merging
> through
> plate tectonics, nothing non-human introduces such a flood of new species
> to
> new environments as we humans have in the last several centuries.
> MC(3). See MC(2).  What was once normal is no longer normal.  'Ecologically
> consequential' in this context is standing in for 'morally consequential'.
> Ecologically, change is change.
JC(3b) By this logic, ice ages are ecologically inconsequential.  I'm not
making a moral judgement (here).  I'm only pointing out that humans have
accelerated the frequency of invasion by new species by many orders of
magnitude, and that this is having the sort of dramatic ecological effects
you would, in theory, expect it to have.  Again, this goes toward countering
the claim that there is no ecological difference between human-mediated
dispersal and dispersal by other agents.  If we are increasing the
probability of intercontinental dispersal by many orders of magnitude over
what you find for all other agents combined, there is an ecologically
important difference between human-mediated dispersal and dispersal by other

> JC(4) To arrive at the conclusion that the terms "native" and "exotic" (or
> "alien") are ecologically meaningless, you must approach the issue this
> way:  if there is no set of criteria by which one can reliably categorize
> an
> organism as native or exotic in the absence of historical evidence, the
> distinction is meaningless.  I think the valid approach is this:  if there
> is no set of criteria by which one can reliably distinguish the category
> "native species" from the category "exotic species" (*after* the
> categorization is done based on geographic history), the distinction is
> meaningless.  By analogy, the first approach is like saying that there is
> no
> difference in height between men and women because one cannot reliably
> identify the height of a person by their sex, while the second approach is
> like saying that there is a difference in height between men and women
> because men are, on average, significantly taller than women.
> MC(4).  JC undermines his argument here by trying to make the difference
> between natives and aliens morally inconsequential.  I think we can assume
> that he sees no moral imperative emerging from the statistical likelihood
> that men are (and have been) taller than women.  But we know he believes a
> moral imperative emerges from the claims he makes in (1-3).  So his analogy
> isn't really an analogy.   A better analogy would be a claim that men are,
> on average, more politically powerful than women, evaluated in light of a
> moral claim that no such difference should exist.  But even that analogy
> would only recommend equalizing average fitness; leveling the playing
> field.
> And it flies in the face of the "past = desired future" formula inherent in
> anti-alien sentiment.  Finally, if Williamson's legendary '10s' rule is
> even
> remotely accurate, the aliens are already disadvantaged by multiple orders
> of magnitude. Long distance transport is now vastly more likely, but
> establishment at the other end is still a long shot.
JC(4b) Again, I'm not making a moral argument at all.  You (and others) have
said that native and exotic species cannot be distinguished ecologically.
One way I've seen other people arrive at this conclusion is by observing
that there are no ecological criteria that can perfectly predict whether a
species is native or exotic (e.g., there are invasive natives, there are
exotic plants with more insect herbivores than related natives, etc.).  I'm
saying that this approach is like trying to predict people's sex based
on their height, noting that you often guess wrong this way, and concluding
that sex is not relevant to height.

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