Subject: Postdoctoral Positions in Indoor Air Microbial Ecology and Indoor Air 

Three Postdoctoral Scholar appointments are available at the University of 
California, Berkeley. The successful candidates will join a team of researchers 
funded for 3 years by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to develop the field of 
indoor microbial ecology by 1) investigating the processes of bacterial and 
fungal community assembly in the indoor environment; 2) developing an 
understanding of the relationship between building design, external climate, 
and interior microbial community; 3) improving measurements of microbial 
derived volatile organic compounds, microbial toxins, and allergens in indoor 
air. The postdoctoral scholars will work directly with our faculty team 
including Ed Arens (Dept. of Architecture), Gary Anderson (Lawrence Berkeley 
National Laboratory), Tom Bruns (Plant & Microbial Biology-PMB; Environmental 
Science Policy & Management-ESPM), Allen Goldstein (ESPM; Civil & Environmental 
Engineering-CEE), Steve Lindow (PMB), Bill Nazaroff (CEE), and John Taylor 
(PMB). The expected outcomes of the project are to improve understanding of the 
sources, factors and processes involved with development of microbial 
communities and their implications for the indoor environment, while attracting 
new talent into and increasing the visibility of this understudied field. 
Appointments will be made for an initial period of 1 year with possibility of 
extension for additional years. A recent Ph.D. and experience in applying 
molecular methods to describe the diversity and structure of bacterial and/or 
fungal populations is required for those wishing to address objective 1 while a 
background in atmospheric science, chemistry, physics, engineering, or a 
related field is required for those wishing to address the other objectives.


Applicants should send a cover letter describing their research experience and 
interests, a curriculum vita, and have three reference letters sent to:

Prof. Tom Bruns, Dept. Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California

111 Koshland Hall, Berkeley, CA  94720-3102 (email preferred).


Review of Applications will begin Dec 1, 2010.

Please refer to the University's statement on confidentiality at  Minorities and women encouraged 
to apply. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative 
Action Employer.


Investigator web pages

Mycology group

Bruns Lab (UC Berkeley):

Taylor Lab (UC Berkeley):


Microbiology group

Gary Andersen

Steve Lindow


Bioaerosol dynamics group

Ed Arens

Allen Goldstein

Bill Nazaroff


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