---- Nicholas Rosenstock <rosensto...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> A simple question that after 8 -10 years in science I still don't really
> get:
> Where does the money go?

So far as ESA is concerned, _The Annual Report_ is published, duh, annually for 
anyone who wants to know:  http://www.esa.org/aboutesa/docs/annualreport2010.pdf

> We often pay to publish. Most journals don't actually print anything
> anymore (or very little and only at an extra charge). 

On the contrary, print journals are still produced.  I receive my copies of 
_Ecology_, _Copeia_, _Science_, _SWN_   regularly, though I have recently asked 
ASIH to convert my life subscription to online only to save money for the 
society, and am dropping _Ecology_ for the same reason.  I can go to the 
library, or find other ways to get the papers I want.  Unlike some I suppose, I 
am still encouraging libraries to subscribe to both print and online versions 
(or the databases that supply them).



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