I'm sorry, but you'll have to offer more evidence than you have before I'll plunk down $20 for a book that might just be full of nonsense. Speaking both as a scholar and as a consumer, nothing I've seen here on or on the Amazon site entices me to spend either the money or time on your thesis.

To me, 4 billion years of evolution before the hominid line arose speaks rather clearly as to the lack of necessity of our presence, much less our involvement, in the biosphere. And given that relatively few species have "coevolved with us," and that our impact on the biosphere as a whole was quite limited until a few thousand years ago, I see little justification for the argument that our continued presence is necessary for the biosphere's health and/or survival.


On 3/26/2012 4:52 PM, Neil Cummins wrote:
Just because life exists does not mean that it is "doing just fine".
Life existed in the past. Life exists in the present. Life will exist in the near future. The idea that "the planet's bidoversity can do very well without us" is a claim that humans have made in the very recent past concerning the NOT near future. It is this claim which I reject. This rejection is in no way refuted by your message below concerning the past. I hope this helps you to understand. If not the book might, much of it is viewable for free on amazon.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 5:46 PM, David M. Lawrence <d...@fuzzo.com <mailto:d...@fuzzo.com>> wrote:

    How can you claim that the idea that "we cannot do without the
    rest of the planet's biodiversity, but it can do very well without
    us," is completely and utterly wrong, given that life did just
    fine for 4 billion years without us?  I suggest that is a powerful
    and irrefutable empirical rejection of your claim.



    On 3/26/2012 9:32 AM, Neil Cummins wrote:

        I am excited to let you know about the publication of:

        Saviours or Destroyers: The relationship between the human
        species and the
        rest of life on Earth



        Here is the amazon info:

        > From the Author
        At the start of Chapter Two I quote an all too familiar view:

        "The lesson we need to learn urgently is this: we cannot do
        without the
        rest of the planet's biodiversity, but it can do very well
        without us."

        My objective in this book is to make it clear why this
        fashionable view is completely and utterly wrong. This view
        has been
        forwarded and propagated by a wide range of intellectuals,
        academics and
        environmentalists. I hope that through this book, and the rest
        of my
        writings, that these people will come to see where they have
        gone wrong.
        Some components of the view that I forward in the book are
        open to debate.
        However, that the human species is the saviour of life, rather
        than the
        destroyer which the rest of life on Earth "can do very well
        without", is so
        obvious that it shouldn't be one of these debatable components.

        Book Description
        Publication Date: March 15, 2012

        There are many ways in which humans can conceptualise the
        between their species and their surroundings; these
        'surroundings' can be
        taken to be the rest of the life-forms which exist on the
        Earth, or
        everything non-human that exists in the universe. In this book
        I focus on
        various possible relationships between the human species and
        the rest of
        the life-forms that exist (and those that have existed, and
        those that will
        exist in the future) on the Earth. Is there no deeply
        significant and
        meaningful relationship? Or, is the human species superior in
        some way? Or,
        is the human species inferior in some way?

        If you are familiar with my previous work you will be aware
        that I am
        particularly interested in how the relationship we are
        exploring relates to
        the 'environmental crisis'. I have suggested that the human
        species is
        superior in some way, and that the environmental
        global warming are positive events which indicate that the
        human species is
        fulfilling its role as saviour of life on Earth.

        I take this book to be a valuable addition to my previous
        writings. In it I
        consider at length the opposing view that the human species is
        an 'inferior
        destroyer' of the rest of life on Earth. I also outline the
        whole range of
        ways in which it is obvious that technology is in the
        interests of life on
        Earth. I also develop the view that the universe is a 'feeling
        whose movements/evolution is directed by all parts of the
        universe seeking
        to move to higher states of feeling; and I explore how this
        plays out in
        the day-to-day lives of individual humans as they seek to live
        more happy
        and fulfilling lives. Furthermore, I describe how we live in
        an epoch which
        can best be described as a 'birthing process'; life on Earth
        is bringing
        forth the technological armour which will ensure its future
        survival. This
        is a birthing process, which like almost all births, entails a
        lot of pain
        and suffering. I suggest that this process will come to an end
        when the
        temperature of the atmosphere is being successfully
        regulated. Finally, I outline the serious environmental
        problems that we
        face on the surface of the Earth and urge that we take both
        and non-technological actions to address these problems. If we can
        successfully do this then we can forge a sustainable and
        harmonious future
        for all life on Earth.

        There are both paperback and ebook/kindle versions available.

        Dr NPC


-- ------------------------------------------------------
     David M. Lawrence        | Home: (804) 559-9786
     7471 Brook Way Court     | Fax: (804) 559-9787
     Mechanicsville, VA 23111 | Email: d...@fuzzo.com
     USA                      | http: http://fuzzo.com

    "All drains lead to the ocean."  -- Gill, Finding Nemo

    "We have met the enemy and he is us."  -- Pogo

    "No trespassing
     4/17 of a haiku"  --  Richard Brautigan

 David M. Lawrence        | Home:  (804) 559-9786
 7471 Brook Way Court     | Fax:   (804) 559-9787
 Mechanicsville, VA 23111 | Email: d...@fuzzo.com
 USA                      | http:  http://fuzzo.com

"All drains lead to the ocean."  -- Gill, Finding Nemo

"We have met the enemy and he is us."  -- Pogo

"No trespassing
 4/17 of a haiku"  --  Richard Brautigan

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