Although I am inclined to agree that most of the recent warming has a
strong anthropogenic signature, I looked at the abstract of the Journal of
Climate article (I don't have access to the full article) and don't see
how you can definitely conclude that the post 1950s warming is
significantly greater than any other comparable period in the last 1000

"The average reconstructed temperature anomaly in Australasia during A.D.
1238-1267, the warmest 30-year pre-instrumental period, is 0.09°C
(±0.19°C) below 1961-1990 levels."

Perhaps I'm reading that quote from the abstract wrong, but isn't a
difference of 0.09°C within the margin of error of 0.19°C? I mention it
because some skeptics have presented analyses that suggest that the
current level of warming is not that different from that of Medieval
warming period.



J. Stephen Brewer 
Department of Biology
PO Box 1848
 University of Mississippi
University, Mississippi 38677-1848
 Brewer web page -
FAX - 662-915-5144
Phone - 662-915-1077

On 5/16/12 10:37 PM, "Matthew Peter Hill" <> wrote:

>I don't think we need to worry too much about what Lovelock does and does
>not think, especially through reporting such as that..
>For some actual climate change science, this paper went up yesterday:
>Showing that the the last 50 years has seen warming like no other period
>over the last 1000 years in Australasia, and is very likely due to
>anthropogenic influence.
>On 17/05/12 7:53 AM, "Matheus Carvalho" <> wrote:
>> Lovelock, the proposer of Gaia hypothesis, says his predictions (and
>> also) were exaggerated:
>> arming
>> Matheus C. Carvalho
>> Senior Research Associate
>> Centre for Coastal Biogeochemistry
>> Southern Cross University
>> Lismore - Australia

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