Here's one of them.  I used to use this in ecology classes.

Sheldon, R. W., and S. R. Kerr. 1972. The population density of Monsters in Loch Ness. Limnology and Oceanography 17:746-798.

I think there was one about resource partitioning among fast food restaurants that was published in the Bulletin of the ESA about 30 years ago but I don't have the citation.

David Inouye

At 11:00 AM 3/24/2015, you wrote:

I'm looking for funny articles published and a few come to mind that I
can't remember citations for so I thought I'd ask here.  I don't really
want to page through J. Irreproducable Results or Worm Runner's Digest but
there are a few I'm hoping someone can help me with (vice vis pdfs)

In either the late 70's or 80's there was a note in Nature that comprised
the poem and reviewers comments on Shelley's *"Ozymandias*"

Then at about the same time someone published a paper in Limn. & Ocean.
estimating the biomass of the Loch Ness monster.

And also at some point someone published a satirical paper on "if no one
heard it, did the tree in the forest really fall?"

Of course any other humorous gems would be appreciated.
Please remember the list doesn't allow attachments, so please respond to my
university email.

TIA, g2

Gary D. Grossman, PhD

Professor of Animal Ecology
Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
University of Georgia
Athens, GA, USA 30602 <>

Board of Editors - Animal Biodiversity and Conservation
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