What a great opportunity to be pedantic!  :)

While Don is completely right that modern pronunciation of scientific names
has moved away from the rules of classical Latin pronunciation, I just want
to make the point that these names actually mean something, and the
pronunciation should reflect this.

For example, consider Dipodomys (the genus of Kangaroo Rats).  The name
means "2 footed mouse" in reference to their large hind feet, and so it
should be pronounced "Di-podo-mus", not "Dip-o-do-mees".

When teaching undergrads, I really emphasize the etymology of the scientific
names.  This leads to better understanding and better learning, with better
pronunciation too for good measure!

Geek out!

-John D. Perrine
   Associate Professor / Curator of Birds and Mammals
   Biological Sciences Department
   California Polytechnic State University
   San Luis Obispo, California   USA

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